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Enjoy more time off the tools with CONQA

Written by Admin | Apr 5, 2022 4:23:02 PM

What CONQA can achieve if it lives up to its potential is monumental.

The only way we can do that, is if CONQA is home to exceptional people who are able to be sustainably excellent.‍

What does sustainable excellence mean to us?

It means that doing great work doesn’t deplete your batteries more than you can top them up. No-one is excellent if they’re burnt out, and too often we see fast growing, purpose driven companies forget that in the knowledge economy, how people are able to turn up is everything.

We’re constantly looking at the ways we organise ourselves so we can deliver more value to our customers and so that everyone at CONQA can flourish.‍In this pursuit, we believe three ingredients are critical:‍‍

1. Impact

‍Are you able to do work that genuinely has a positive impact on our customers, and can you see that impact play out?

2. Wellbeing

‍Health is wealth; are you able to be physically, emotionally and mentally healthy? Can you actually work on your health while you are working at CONQA?

3. Belonging

‍Do you feel safe and supported while you are here? Do you feel like you belong in the CONQA community, that you contribute and receive from being part of this team?‍They say a champion team will always beat a team of champions. We strongly believe in the idea that the interlocking of a diverse set of people driven by ambition and optimism is the only way to achieve our potential.‍With these three ingredients in mind, we are excited and proud to be trialling a 4 day working week: specifically, a 32 hour work week at 100% remuneration. Teams are being organised so that there will be no negative impact on our ability to serve customers in a timely manner.Studies are consistently showing that a shorter work week results in:

  • Lower Stress
  • Higher Engagement
  • Greater Performance

In the knowledge economy, units of time resulting in consistent units of output is short-sighted and misleading. Performance and time don’t happen in isolation.

CONQA already operates on a high trust, collaborative environment. With this trial, we are aiming to be a place where everyone can operate at their highest level of potential, and solve complex, meaningful problems with high impact, real world results. That happens most commonly and frequently when you are rested, happy and healthy.

An industrial age organisational set up has no place in the knowledge workplace.

This isn’t a simple task; we are committed to challenging every way we work together. No meeting is safe! Unintentional habits and low productivity activities can creep into your days if you aren’t deliberately challenging them to be worthwhile. This is an exercise in that, and in making sure we are laser focussed on what really matters.‍

If a 32 hour, high impact working week resonates with you, or our ingredients for success, check out our open roles HERE. If you don’t see anything that fits but you still want to reach out, feel free to give Barney a call HERE or an email THERE