Remote control: The future of building consent inspections in New Zealand

Barney Chunn,
COO & CO-Founder, CONQA

blog - remote building

The New Zealand Government’s push for technology in the construction industry is a welcome move. At CONQA, we’ve spent the last decade proving that remote inspections and approvals not only work, but can also uphold stringent quality assurance standards. Some of the concerns about remote building inspections are valid, and yes, there are risks. However, our experience, particularly during the COVID-19 lockdowns, has shown how impactful remote inspections can be for productivity.

Auckland Council used CONQA to keep construction projects moving, performing 400 essential inspections remotely during COVID lockdowns.Jeff Fahrensohn, Auckland Council’s Manager of Building Inspections, highlighted how our software enabled his team to work remotely. 

"Inspectors relied on a different set of tools during lockdown - technology. Purpose-built construction industry software, including CONQA’s cloud-based solution for quality assurance (QA) documents, allowed staff to work remotely while progressing essential sites including a hospital and a ventilator manufacturer. The software reduced double handling and processing of hard copies, reduced site visits and face-to-face contact; all key priorities to ensure inspectors were not compromised during the COVID-19 national emergency.” - says Jeff

Council Inspectors don't want to be stuck in traffic, criss crossing around town, and they shouldn't have to when it's not needed; we can help put their time to better use. The success of remote inspections during lockdowns proves that. It's no secret that New Zealand faces a big challenge in housing stock. We need to construct approximately 25,000 new homes each year to keep pace with population growth. This demand puts additional pressure on the construction industry to keep pushing our efficiency and minimising delays.

Those delays are one of the most costly pressures on the construction industry, often stemming from wait times for inspections. Delays can inflate labor costs, extend project timelines, and incur financial penalties. By enabling remote inspections and approvals, the right quality assurance tool can help mitigate these delays, keeping projects on schedule and within budget. As the industry evolves, embracing simple technology is now crucial for adapting to new ways of working while upholding high standards of quality. The future of construction lies in integrating technology to streamline processes, reduce delays, and maintain top-notch quality assurance. Good on the government for recognising that, and we hope to see this new future have an impact soon.



Beehive release on Faster consenting with remote inspections, Hon Chris Penk


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